John Johnson, 42nd USCT
John Johnson: Private Company D 42nd United States Colored Troops
John W Johnson was born in August 1837 in Pennsylvania. He joined the 42nd United States Colored Troops, and served as a private in Co. C. during the Civil War.It was most likely after the war that he married Betty Bliss Carey, perhaps in Harrisburg, though no marriage record could be found. He was an active and esteemed member of the community, a member of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, and was a Prince Hall Freemason. He died, after a stroke, on June 22, 1909, in Steelton, Pennsylvania, at the age of 71, and he is one of the many Civil War Veterans buried in Harrisburg’s Lincoln Cemetery. His wife Betty died a year later, and she was laid to rest beside him. Although John’s obituary mentions no survivors, Betty’s death notice says she left two sons.
John M. Johnson, 60 years old, a veteran of the Civil war, who died at his residence, 128 Ridge street, at 7 o’clock. Tuesday morning, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.
The services will be conducted by Rev Mr. Fariera, of the Monumental A.M.E. church, and interment will be made in Lincoln cemetery.
Mr. Johnson had been in poor health for some time and two weeks ago had an attack of apoplexy from which he suffered until his death. He was a member of the G.U.O.O.F., and the colored Masons, which latter lodge will have charge of the funeral.(“Funeral of JOHN M. JOHNSON”, 1909)