Hope for New Free Black Cemetery Creation
Trustees Hold A Meeting They Hope For New Free Black Cemetery Creation
In September of 1892, the Star-Independent published the occurrence of what may have been the last meeting of the Harris Free Cemetery Trustees. The Harris Free Cemetery Trustees held this meeting in order to agree on a place to buy new land for the overcrowded cemetery. Although the article discusses the possibility of selling the land to the Dauphin County Insane Asylum (which the cemetery bordered), they were not interested in the land.

Arrangements to be Made for a Better Burial Ground
The board of trustees of the Harris free cemetery, for colored people, held a meeting in the Short street A.M.E. church last evening. It was supposed action would be taken to dispose of the burial place, on account of it being over crowded with dead bodies. The cemetery is in a bad condition and there does not seem to be sufficient money on hand to put it in good shape. A proposition was made to dispose of it to the trustees of the insane hospital, and use the money to purchase another plot. This brought forth a lively discussion. Some thought action should be taken immediately, others thought that the 6,000 colored people in the city ought to be heard on the subject. Another meeting will likely be held in a short time, when an endeavor will be made to get a good representation of the colored people present. The cost to get the cemetery into good shape would be about $1,000. The object is to make arrangements for a decent burial place for the colored people.
Harrisburg Daily Independent. “Trustees Hold A Meeting: Arrangements to Be Made for a Better Burial Ground.” September 16, 1892. https://www.newspapers.com/clip/87184680/harris-free-cemetery-trustees-to/.
Hope for New Free Black Cemetery Creation
Trustees Hold A Meeting They Hope For New Free Black Cemetery Creation In September of 1892, the Star-Independent published the occurrence of what may have been the last meeting of the Harris Free Cemetery Trustees. The Harris Free Cemetery Trustees held this meeting in order to agree on a place to buy … Continue reading…
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