Expert Guide to Removing Paint from Marble Headstones Safely and Effectively
Removing Paint from Marble Headstones Safely and Effectively
When it comes to removing paint from marble headstones, it’s important to take great care to avoid causing damage to the stone’s surface. Here’s a step-by-step guide & a how-to video to help you safely and effectively removing paint from a historic marble headstone.
One highly effective tool for restoring headstones in historic Black cemeteries is Elephant Snot, a non-acidic, biodegradable cleaner that is designed to remove even the toughest stains from porous surfaces. Elephant Snot has proven to be highly effective at removing paint, graffiti, and other stains from headstones, without causing any damage to the surface of the stone.
SOAL has had some success in removing paint from Lincoln Cemetery‘s historic marble headstones safely and effectively, by using Elephant Snot Graffiti Remover, which we have purchased at Atlas Preservation (we don’t get any kickbacks if you purchase from Atlas, but you can use our code “SOAL” to get a 10% discount on your purchase).
Mrs. Ella Banks’ Painted Marble Headstone
The most difficult paint removal SOAL has attempted is on Ella Banks Headstone. Although the process is incomplete, I’ve made some progress.
In the Spring of 2021, I received a phone call from a descendant of Mrs. Ella Banks. She was having difficulty locating the stone (this happens frequently, because the cemetery looks so different than it did before SOAL began restoration work).
The caller told me that Ella’s headstone had always been easy to spot, in the lower portion of Block B, because it was “the whitest stone in the cemetery.” She said that this was because her uncles always painted the stone white.
As you can see in this Before & After image, after years of being painted by her descendants, Ella’s headstone was no longer white.

Steps for using Elephant Snot Graffiti Remover:
Video Demonstration: Cleaning Ella Banks Headstone
- Clean the surface: Before attempting to remove the paint, make sure the headstone is clean and free of debris. Use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove any loose dirt or debris from the surface.
- Test a small area: Before proceeding with the full paint removal process, test a small area of the headstone to ensure that your chosen cleaning solution does not cause any damage. Apply the solution to a small, inconspicuous area and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. If there is no damage to the surface, you can proceed with the full paint removal process.
- Apply a cleaning solution: There are several effective cleaning solutions that can be used to remove paint from marble headstones. One popular option is a specialized product called “Elephant Snot,” which is a non-acidic, biodegradable cleaner designed specifically for removing graffiti and paint from porous surfaces. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application, and avoid using any solutions that contain harsh chemicals or abrasives that could damage the surface of the stone.
- Let the solution sit: Once the cleaning solution is applied, let it sit for 45 minutes. This will allow the solution to penetrate the paint and loosen it from the surface of the marble.
- Use a soft-bristled brush: After the cleaning solution has had time to work, use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the surface of the headstone. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can cause damage to the marble.
- Rinse thoroughly: Once the paint has been removed, thoroughly rinse the surface of the headstone with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution.
- Repeat if necessary: Depending on the severity of the paint stain, you may need to repeat the above steps several times to fully remove the paint.
IMPORTANT: Never use a high-pressure power-washer on a historic headstone. The force of pressure will damage the stone. I was able to achieve the above results, through several applications, using a regular garden hose, warm water, and a soft-bristle brush.
By following these steps and taking great care throughout the process, you can safely and effectively remove paint from a historic marble headstone without causing damage to the stone’s surface.
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